Subjects for foreign students
Subjects for foreign students
Understanding Economic and Social Indicators (4ES526)
The main point is to prepare and present a statistical analytical study concerning one of the recommended issues, covering almost all parts of the economic and social life in EU, USA, etc. Students’ own formulation of the task and its structure is preferred. The elaborated studies are discussed and assessed on the seminar meetings.
Survey Methodology (4ES610)
The course content covers the process of designing of a survey, sampling, questionnaire design, fieldwork data collection and processing of collected survey data – their theoretical foundations and their practical implementation in survey projects.
Economic Statistics (4ES611)
The aim of the course is to explain different ways of production of statistical information including practical surveys in economy, links between indicators, possibilities and limits of interpretation. Students are facing the issues of comparability in time and between indicators. Statistical methods are presented on practical examples and analyses taken over from statistical practice.
Official Statistics (4ES612)
The subject Official Statistics is aimed to present the role and activities of the modern, user-driven statistical service in democratic society, its history, organization and future trends in its development. The course provides the students with a characteristics of the theoretical background of the statistical practice and displays of the main pillars of the legal framework of official statistics. It brings the definition of the statistical information system (SIS), its components and aspects. The statistical process is presented in the course: Ways and methods of the acquisition, processing, storing retrieving of data and modern methods dissemination of statistics. The international harmonization/standardization of official statistics and the picture of the international statistical institutions is presented as well.
National Accounts (4ES618)
The aim of this course is to get students acquainted with the system of national accounts which is a basic statistical model of the national economy. Both understanding of structure of the system of national accounts and understanding its basic documents are stressed as the necessary assumptions for treatment of the data on state and development of national economy (Slides here).